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The Orchard School

Welcome Pack

Welcome to The Orchard School! We believe that a strong partnership between parents and the school is essential for your child's success. We hope you find the contents of this Parents section helpful and informative as we work together to support your child's educational journey.

Please scroll through the document below to access our Welcome Pack and learn about our fantastic school.

welcome pack 2024.pdf



Term DatesSchool Uniform  GDPR Privacy Notice

School Lunch Menu Example Exceptional Leave of Absence Form

twelve15 reception school meals.pdf

Find out more about school lunches here:

Order for School Equipment

CLICK HERE to buy book bags, P.E. bags and school caps online from the PTA.

Stikins Labels

If you're ordering name labels in preparation for school, we get up to 30% commission if you reference our fundraising number. Use this link: https://www.stikins.co.uk/name-labels and enter the School Fundraising Number 23325 when you order.