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The Orchard School

Curriculum Intent

At The Orchard school we are committed to inspiring success in our pupils - recognising that this can only be achieved by us working together and championing each individual. Our curriculum is designed around our belief that each child is unique and should be empowered to be courageous, determined and motivated life-long learners. Our children will be resilient, learning from mistakes and being confident enough to take risks.

Our curriculum is accessible to all pupils, with adaptions made to both support and challenge where needed. It has been created to best meet the needs and learning styles of all children in our school. The design of each curriculum area is based on key knowledge, skills and vocabulary that we want the children to accurately use, apply and master. It also enables children to be aware of what and how they are learning through carefully planned sequences of learning. Learning will be progressively revisited so their knowledge sticks and they can make links with what came before. This will ensure a seamless transition between year groups, including readiness for their next stage of education.

Through learning, we also endeavour to equip our children with the skills needed to be good people who make a positive contribution to society, showing respect and kindness to themselves and others.

Our families are key partners in developing their children’s knowledge and understanding and we are grateful to all our families who support their child to do this.

Across the year, we host a number of parent sessions to support parents in their understanding of different procedures and processes that happen at school and the way different subjects are taught. These may include: safeguarding training, year group specific meetings, phonics & reading, maths, SEND and other parent information meetings and coffee mornings. 

Please click here to read our Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment Policy, which outlines the Intent, Implementation and Impact  of our curriculum.

 Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment Policy

We would love to tell you more about our curriculum at The Orchard. Please click on the pictures below to find out more about each subject.


Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1014)

If you want to find out more about the curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher.

Learning at The Orchard