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The Orchard School


All applications for a place in Reception at The Orchard for September 2024 must be made via the Surrey County Council online admissions system. For more information, please visit the School Admissions page of the Surrey County Council website or go directly to eAdmissions, the online schools application service for Surrey and the 33 London Authorities.


Surrey County Council Schools Admission Page

The admission number for our school is 90.

Parents who are unsuccessful in their application may appeal by contacting the school office for details of the appeals process.

We encourage you to visit our school prior to your application. Please visit our School Tours & Visits page for details of how to do this.


Admissions Policies

Admission Policy 2025

Admissions Policy 2026

Supplementary Information Forms

Supplementary Information Form 2025 - 2026

Supplemnetary Information Form 2026-2027

In-Year or Immediate Entry Appeals

You can usually apply for in year admission up to four weeks before the place is needed. To apply for an in-year admission, please click the link below to read the guidance and to complete the required application form;

Surrey County Council In-Year Applications

Making a Visit

If you are a prospective parent, we would like to invite you to one of our open mornings which are held in October and November. This is an opportunity to see the school in action, meet the Head Teacher and ask any further questions. For specific dates and timings please refer to our calendar.

There are a limited number of places available on each visit. To reserve a place, please contact the school office on 0208 979 2945


Moving on

The majority of our children move on to St Lawrence C of E Junior School (year 3 - 6). We have a many transition activities with the school to help children with their transition. 

Please contact St Lawrence on 020 8941 0846 if you would like to arrange a visit at any time during the year.

Click on their school logo to visit their website.

If you decide your child will go on to another school we ensure that we share all relevant information with the new school and will support your child in their transition to ensure that the process is just as smooth.