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The Orchard School

Our Facilities & Accessibility


We are very proud of the outstanding quality of provision at The Orchard which facilitates high quality learning indoors and outdoors. Our facilities include:

  • Two large, purpose made playgrounds for our Reception children and our children in Year One and Year Two
  • Central resource areas for all year groups
  • A wireless network and laptop computers available in every class
  • Interactive whiteboards in every class
  • Adventure play-trails
  • Outdoor “shelter” classrooms
  • A non fiction library and classroom book corners
  • The ‘Rainbow room’ for quiet small group or individually supported learning
  • Pine Class - for specialist small group teaching

Access to the school for disabled pupils, staff or visitors is available through the main entrance or the hall entrance where there is a ramp. Disabled toilets are available – one in the corridor near to the Reception classes and one near the entrance to the Year Two classes.

We have interactive whiteboards in every class and in the hall to ensure visual learning is accessed in all classes. We are committed to making appropriate adjustments to the curriculum, resources or support to meet the needs of children with disabilities.

A quiet room known as “The Rainbow Room” is available with appropriate resources to facilitate work with individuals or pairs. This is useful when the speech and language therapist or other outside agency visit or when one of our special needs assistants is helping a child on a specific task.

The school has been surveyed and assessed by a consultant architect from RADAR (Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation), who reported that, with the school being on one level with wide circulation areas, access and free movement around the school by wheelchair users is possible. The layout and decoration of the school is also acceptable for visually impaired people.

Our equal opportunities policy states, as our school aims reiterate, that all children are welcomed and valued. We have high expectations at The Orchard which ensure that, whatever their ability, we will provide learning opportunities which will enable all the children to fulfil their potential.

Our current carefully planned and varied provision for children with Special Education Needs supports this aim and is evidence of this commitment. Regular communication with parents of disabled children and the other agencies involved in their care is also crucial to successful inclusion. There is an accessibility plan which is reviewed every three years included in our School Improvement Plan.

Please follow this link to “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities” to read our ‘SEND’ Information Report on the website.

How to find us: Click HERE for an interactive map of our location.
