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The Orchard School

Clubs & Activities

In addition to our own Breakfast and After School Club, we are pleased to be able to offer a variety of extra-curricular activities here at The Orchard.

Activities on offer may change from time to time, depending on what staff and other organisations are able to offer and on what is appropriate to the time of year. Each club will usually take bookings for, and run for, a term at a time.

Outside Agencies

Most of the activities on offer are run by external companies and must be booked directly with the company concerned. Clicking on the appropriate link in the schedule below will give you all the information you need to book your child into a particular club. Additionally, we will send out information about the available clubs via ParentMail. 

It is the responsibility of those running the club to inform parents and carers of any changes or cancellations and the school will not provide alternative care arrangements in the event of a club not running. Similarly, if your child is not attending a club or you need to make special arrangements, please contact the club directly. The school office will not be able to pass on messages to individual clubs.

Spring Term 2025

You can click on any of the individual links below for more information about the cost of each club and booking forms/details. Please keep checking because we are updating these on a regular basis. 


Playball Club (Lunchtime) - Reception ONLY (SUSPENDED UNTIL SUMMER 2025 DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST)

Onside Football Club - Reception ONLY. Please contact craig.lewington@outlook.com for more details.

Squiggle Art - All year groups.  Please contact squiggleartclub@gmail.com for more details.

Busy Bees Craft Club - All year groups. Please contact orchardbusybees@gmail.com for more details.


Playball Club - All year groups.  Please contact gareth@playballoffice.com for more details.


Playball - All year groups.  Please contact gareth@playballoffice.com for more details.

Busy Bees Craft Club - All year groups.  Please contact orchardbusybees@gmail.com for more details.

Times Table Club - Year 2 ONLY.  Please contact info@littlestars2astars.com for more details.


Onside Football Club - Year 2 ONLY.  Please contact craig.lewington@outlook.com for more details.

Choir - All year groups (FULLY BOOKED FOR SPRING 2025)



Onside Football Club - Year 1 ONLY.  Please contact craig.lewington@outlook.com for more details.